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    DevOps for Breakfast

    Enjoy a delicious breakfast while listening to inspirational presentations about DevOps



    Oct 2019

    7.30 AM

    Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel

    Nils Ericsons Plan 4, 111 64 Stockholm, Sweden


    Nov 2019

    7.30 AM


    Radisson Blu Royal
    Runeberginkatu 2, 00100 Helsinki


    Nov 2019

    7.00 AM

    Hotel Imperial
    Vester Farimagsgade 9, 1606 Copenhagen


    Nov 2019

    7.30 AM

    Laapersveld 27 -1213 VB Hilversum

    What is the modern way to secure and automate DevOps practices? How can you ensure scalability and still have full control? What are the key metrics in measuring the success of DevOps? All these questions are covered in this breakfast seminar.

    The event is free of charge and is mainly targeted for IT team leads and managers. Use cases include both technical and business viewpoints.

    Enjoy a delicious breakfast while listening to inspirational presentations about DevOps and networking with your peers. Act quickly to secure your spot!


    Do you release software fast enough to meet your business’s demands? With the quality you want and the consistency you need? Are you on top of release dependencies? Or do you scramble to keep everyone apprised of ever-changing release status and slip release dates with painful regularity?
    During this presentation, we will discuss (and show !) how tools can empower you to orchestrate, automate, control and visualize your Continuous Delivery pipelines from end to end. Creates standardized release processes and automatically capture the data you need to meet the stringent governance requirements that haunt most enterprises today. Provide detailed visibility into release processes, so teams can find and fix problems early, mitigate risk, and optimise the delivery process across your organisation!
    Also, learn how to avoid the audit firestorm by creating a complete software chain of custody that can provide comprehensive audit reports automatically, whenever you need them.

    In 2017, hackers took three days to identify and exploit a new vulnerability in Equifax’s web applications. Equifax didn’t have the visibility to locate where Struts2 was in their software development life cycle. It has cost them millions of dollars. It’s time for organizations to approach the challenge of managing open source software by using automated technology – especially when exploits happen. In this demo, we walk you through how to automate open source security within your software development life cycle. Demonstrating how you can be alerted if you use an open-source component with a known vulnerability and the steps to remediation.

    A DevOps transformation is a journey which takes place on many levels. With so many tools, methods and metrics to choose from, it may be difficult to know which ones give you the best ROI.
    Is reducing the length of your release cycles the silver bullet? Do metrics have a direct relation to customer success? What metrics will help drive the business forward? In this presentation, you will learn how you can become more successful with the right metrics.
