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    Digital services

    Design and build user-centered digital services


    Create future-proof digital services

    We develop digital services with you that drive your strategy and meet your needs now and in the future. We design and validate new service concepts and implement them with the most future-proof and scalable technological solutions.

    Thanks to user-centered design, agile methods, and strong DevOps practices, software development is future-proof.  As a result, your users are satisfied and your software is easy to continually develop to meet changing needs.

    From ideation to implementation and continuous maintenance

    We support you throughout the lifecycle of digital services, from service innovation, through agile design and DevOps development to maintenance and application support. We validate and test services at all stages of development, from concept ideas to finalized functionality.

    We offer comprehensive research services. Based on years of experience, we conduct usability studies and accessibility assessments of your digital services.

    Maria Wan

    +358 40 5868899

    Working with Eficode has helped us stay focused on user-centricity and kept our processes clear. We have managed to ensure the high usability of our products this way.

    Kim Bergman

    Read the case

    Our services in Accessibility and User-Centered Design

    Accessibility services, audits, user research & customer insight 

    Know where you stand and what to do next 

    As Finland’s leading user research provider, we test all kinds of digital services, applications, devices, and systems. We have a strong experience in systems, equipment, and products for both consumer and professional use.

    We help you:

    • Meet the needs and expectations of your customers
    • Create a positive user experience 
    • Find potential usability and accessibility gaps early
    • Create functional and attractive service ideas and concepts.
    Read about usability researchRead about accessibility services
    Facilities team_JSM (1)

    User insights, visual and user interface design 

    Ensure the user-centric development and impementation

    Our experienced Service Designers and UX designers can help you to:

    • Develop and validate  service concepts
    • Design a modern and scalable architecture for your service concept
    • Design user-centric, visual, and accessible interfaces
    • Develop and manage design systems.
    • Renew your legacy applications and systems in a managed way
    • Estimate project costs by making the necessary plans.
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    An illustration of a man standing next to a screen with feature options such as colour selection.

    Agile design and development

    Gain more benefits from your software investment

    We know what is necessary to develop digital solutions that meet the needs of all parties - business, key stakeholders, and end-users. Agile and DevOps methods, transparent development work, and change acceptance during the project are key. 

    • High-quality design and development of digital services that create happy and loyal customers
    • Thanks to user surveys and validations, we detect at an early stage if a concept does not work for end-users
    • A transparent project guarantees fewer surprises and predictable costs
    • The development of high-quality software is ensured by modern DevOps tools and processes.
    Read more

    Develop your skills and improve your processes 

    Are you doing Agile development right?

    With our Agile scan service, you can identify how agile your organisation really is, which slows down the use of agile methods and where you need to improve. As a result of the audit, you will receive a clear development plan and guidelines for the future.

    • Find the pain points and strengths in your development process and create a clear roadmap for improvements
    • Turn your deployment pipeline into a value generation pipeline
    • Improve your skills, methods, and ways of working to increase efficiency and quality

    Let's talk about how we can help you