Eficode continues international expansion in the financial sector

Espoo, Finland, 11 June 2020 -- Eficode, Europe’s leading DevOps company, has today announced that it has agreed to deliver its Eficode ROOT DevOps Platform to BankData, one of the largest financial technology companies in Denmark.
As new technologies change the financial business landscape, financial institutions constantly explore new opportunities to improve their customer experience and business capabilities from software. This places significant pressure on R&D and IT departments, as new software needs to be produced quickly, yet meeting strict compliance and security requirements of the industry.
BankData, delivering software development and IT services to 9 Danish financial institutions, joins the increasing list of financial institutions that have adopted Eficode ROOT, Eficode’s DevOps platform solution. Bankdata selected Eficode for its ability to offer a DevOps platform solution that integrates best individual solutions in software development and operations into a continuous value stream.
“Security and compliance have a huge impact on our ambitions for outsourcing key development tools. Even though the driving force has been a wish to use a coherent set of battle-hardened DevOps-tools, compliance and security are king in the financial sector. Any supplier of Bankdata needs to meet some pretty tough requirements” said Christian Wiese, Direktør - Forretningskoncepter & Performance (Director - Business concepts & Performance) at Bankdata.
“Digital technologies are essential in the business transformation of the financial services industry. Therefore it is crucial to ensure that software development is effective, and powered by modern development processes and tools. We are excited that BankData as a leading financial technology company in Denmark has selected Eficode as the provider for its DevOps platform. Bankdata shows how the financial services industry improves cost-effectiveness in software development, becomes confident in software-related decision-making, and gains competitiveness through software. ” said Ilari Nurmi, CEO at Eficode.
Eficode has demonstrated its excellence in helping companies across all industries, such as embedded software (Sennheiser), telecommunications (DNA - now part Telenor), and finance (OP, Alm Brand, Danske Bank, If Insurance, Ilmarinen, Nordea, S-Bank, Santander, The Bank of Finland) in their DevOps journeys.
Allan Riis, Cloud Center of Excellence at BankData, talks about the benefits in terms of speed and scalability that Eficode ROOT brought to BankData in their 2020 annual report.